New Student Enrollment
Please complete your intent to enroll your young fives or kindergarten student for the 2025-2026 school year by clicking on the link below.
Linden Community Schools is Gearing up for Kindergarten! Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins on March 3rd.
For Young 5s through 12th grade students - If you have any questions, contact Jennifer Bentley at 810-591-0986.
For preschool students - If you have any questions, contact Becky Natzel at 810-591-0320. If you are enrolling your student in preschool and you do not live in the Linden Community Schools District, please call Becky at (810) 591-0320 before proceeding to create your ParentVue account.
Kindergarten Programs
Preschool Programs
Eagle Club After School Programs
Eagle Club Summer Day Camp
Schools of Choice Window for 25-26 1st Semester is February 24th - August 13th
Online Registration Instructions for NEW Linden Students
If you are enrolling a new student and do NOT have current students who attend Linden Community Schools, you will need to create a ParentVue account. Please start at step 1.
For parents with students already enrolled in Linden (which includes preschool/GSRP or speech students at Argentine Early Childhood Center) can proceed to step 6.
Click on the red link to the right called "Click here to start your online registration" to begin
Click on "New Accounts/Forgot Password" and then click on "Create a New Account"

It will walk you through the process of setting up an account.
Once you have created your account, you will receive an email that will prompt you to create a password for your account.
Use the username and password you created to login to Online Registration.
In ParentVue, click on the "Online Registration" tab in the upper right corner.
Once you have completed the registration process, Central Enrollment will be notified and accept the student or return the registration to you for more information or clarification. You will receive an email confirmation of this.
Notes: As a new enrollee, we will need to have all necessary documents submitted before students are accepted to a building. The following documents MUST be uploaded and included in your online registration submission:
Original birth certificate
Immunization record
Proof of residency (for Young 5s through 12th grade only)
Other documents, if applicable (IEPs, 504s, custody agreements, medication consent, etc.)