This afternoon's transportation news is that the green diamond and purple star will be split. Green Diamond will be split between the other green shapes. The purple Star riders will be on the purple heart, purple diamond, and orange star. We hope you have a great weekend!
Hi! Remember your quarters for the popcorn sale tomorrow. Mr.Thomas's class is sponsoring the sale.
Free Immunization Clinic Wednesday, January 10 3-6 pm @ Linden Middle School. Call 810-341-5306 for an appt by January 5th. No walk-ins will be seen. If school is closed, clinic will be canceled.
Good Morning! The green triangle bus is running about 15 minutes behind this morning.
Schools of Choice enrollment is now open for 2nd semester. Click for more information
Linden Community Schools congratulates our outstanding students! Click here for all the Student of the Month honorees.
12/15/23 Transportation Update-The pick up times for the Green Moon elementary bus route will be arriving 20 minutes later than normal this morning. Thank you.
12/15/23 Transportation Update: The pick up times for the Green Moon bus route will be arriving 20 minutes later than normal this morning for high school and middle school riders. Thank you.
12-14-23 - Transportation Update: Elementary Green Moon riders will be picked up 10-20 minutes later than normal times this morning. Thank you
12/14/23 - Transportation Update: The Green Moon route for high school and middle school bus riders will be arriving twenty minutes later than normal this morning. Thank you.
Green Diamond will be split this afternoon through the 19th. Green Star will be split between Green Square, Green Triangle, and Purple Star.Orange heart riders will ride on Orange star. A few select students from Orange heart will ride on Orange Circle.
Congratulations Madison on being recognized as Central's student of the month. Madison was recognized by Mrs. Sulick and Mrs. Valley for her hard work, perseverance, and positive attitude. Madison's excitement to learn is contagious and allows her to set a great example for her classmates. Congratulations Madison on being honored for Central's student of the month for November.
Congratulations to Lila for her recognition as LHS December Student of the Month at tonights LCS Board meeting! Keep up great work!
Congratulations to Reghan, Linden elementary's student of the month!
Linden Boys Basketball took care of The Lapeer Lightening tonight. All three teams were victorious with the varsity winning a thriller by three.
The Linden Girls Basketball Team took care of the Kearsley Hornets in a big way.
Congratulations to Annabel, Hyatt Elementary's student of the month.
Michigan School Meals allows students one free breakfast meal every school day.
This afternoons transportation news is that the Green Diamond will be split between the other Green shapes and the Orange Heart will ride with Orange Star. Have a great night!
This afternoons transportation news is that tge Green Diamond will be split between the other Green shapes.